English Conversation. Expanding Vocabulary. Cross Selling Scenarios.

English Conversation. Expanding Vocabulary. Cross Selling Scenarios.

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You will achieve conversation fluency much faster than normal, achieve conversation fluency much quicker than usual, sound like a native speaker when it comes to the course’s topics, use phrasal verbs when speaking, and translate concepts, not words.


1.1: On-Campus Guide.

1.2: Course Outline.

1.3: How it works.

1.4: Book your Individual Session with Anna.

1.5: Book your Individual Session with Dària.

2. Expressing opinions and preferences.

3. Narrating a story: Describing people, locations, and things.

4. Starting a conversation.

5. Expressing doubts and uncertainty.

6. Expressing wants and needs.

7. Making dates and appointments.

8. Talking about future events.

9. Talking about controversial issues.

10. Cross Selling: Effective Communication

10.1: Guide to cross selling scenarios.

10.2: Micro tutorials for Cross Selling Talks

10.3: Q&A: Asking and clarifying

10.4: Assisting people vs Selling things

10.5: The lost art of listening

11. Handling with Objections

11.1: Talking about problems

 Anna Valadzko
 Dària Valadzko